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Frequently asked questions

Getting started is very easy. Simply register for your Free Steps. This will give you access to the first five steps of the course. Once you have experienced those, you will have the opportunity to finish discovering your Big Five for Life by registering for the full course.

If after registering for the free steps, you decide not to continue, no action is required. The course will automatically stop.
If you do decide to continue, you can register for the rest of the steps and finish discovering your Big Five for Life.

The Big Five for Life online course is a step by step process that enables you to discover your Big Five for Life.

Each step contains a short video, or multiple short videos. In those, I explain the exercises you’ll have the chance to do, as well as other important concepts that will help you discover your Big Five for Life.

The exercises you will be doing are fun, easy, and incredibly eye opening. You can do them at your own pace. Most will take you between fifteen to twenty minutes. With each exercise you complete, you will learn more and more about yourself and what you most want to do, see, and experience in your life. By the time the course is done, you will know your Big Five for Life.

There are fourteen steps in the course. Most people choose to do one step per day, so the entire course takes fourteen days. It is also possible to do a two day immersion where you do all the steps in two days. (See the next question in the FAQ for more details on the two day immersion)

If you decide to take the course step by step over many days, you can also spread it out over more than fourteen days. That’s up to you.

Each step will take about twenty to thirty minutes including watching the short videos and completing the exercises.

There are fourteen steps in the course. Once you register, one new step will be turned on each day. Or if you let us know you want to use the two day immersion option, we will turn on all the steps of the training at once. (Please note: in order to request the two day immersion option, you have to be logged in.)

The unlocked steps remain accessible to you, so you can take as much time as you want to complete the course.

The unlocked steps remain accessible to you for at least 2 months. We leave it open even after this time. The only thing is that no one knows what tomorrow will be and we can not commit “for eternity”.

There are fourteen steps in the course. Unless you you let us know you want to use the two day immersion option, you will receive access to one new step each day.
Once the steps are unlocked, they remain accessible to you.

How you complete the course is up to you. Here are the two options we suggest.

#1. One Step Per Day
Once you register for the course, the steps will be turned on one per day. This gives you the opportunity to complete one step, and then allow the material to sink in before moving on.

If you choose this option, you will find the best results occur by making a commitment to yourself of some kind. For example, make the decision to do the steps at a particular time each day.

This way you can make an appointment on your calendar. For most people, their minds treat scheduled appointments with higher importance and they honor those.

Also, by having a specific time allocated to the Big Five for Life Discovery experience, your mind will be mentally preparing for the next step and your excitement and enthusiasm will automatically direct itself toward your next session.

#2. Two Day Immersion
At a live event, participants go through all the steps over the course of two days. This is an immersion type of experience. You can do that with the online course as well. Simply block off two days and give yourself the gift of going through the online course, step by step.

If you choose this method, then once you have registered for the course, simply log in, and you let us know so we can turn on all the steps of the training at once. Normally they are turned on one per day. (Please note: in order to request the two day immersion option for your fully booked course, you have to be logged in.)

Also, if you do the two day immersion, please allow yourself to take a break if you feel tired at any point. It is better to give yourself a rest, than to try to push your way through, just to get done faster.

There is no cost to try the course. You can do that by registering for your Free Steps. This will give you access to the first five steps of the course. Once you have experienced those, you will have the opportunity to finish discovering your Big Five for Life by registering for the full course. The tuition for the full online course is € 249.-

If you prefer to attend a live Big Five for Life Discovery Course, the tuition for that is € 935.-. 

No. All of the exercises you complete during the course will be done offline. We provide you with videos explaining the exercises/additional insights and downloadable PDF printouts of the exercises.

In order to guarantee your privacy, we designed the course so you don’t need to complete the exercises online.

If after completing the course and discovering your Big Five for Life you want to share them with us, we’d be honored to see them. That is entirely up to you though.

If you are new to the Big Five for Life, you may find it valuable to read the books Life Safari, or The Big Five for Life, before taking the discovery course. Through the use of stories, those books will give you a good understanding of what the Big Five for Life is and the way it applies to a person’s life.

The very short explanation is that The Big Five for Life is an approach to living. It’s about selecting the five things you most want to do, see, or experience during your lifetime. The things so powerful that if you were to do, see, or experience them, then no matter what else you did or didn’t do in your life, you would feel that your life was a success.

Then it’s about aligning your time, energy, and other resources so you actually live your Big Five for Life.

Someone’s Big Five for Life can be short term in nature, or long term. They may decide they want to go on an African Safari. That would be a one time event, and therefore relatively short in duration. Or perhaps they want to have a loving relationship with their spouse and children. That is something that would go on for a long period of time.

Each person’s Big Five for Life is unique to them.

Knowing your Big Five for Life gives you direction, purpose, and hope. You will likely experience a deep sense of contentment and excitement at the last phase of the discovery course.

Living your Big Five for Life gives you a sense of fulfillment, satisfaction and joy.

Many people who have been inspired by the Big Five for Life have said that prior to going through the discovery experience they felt they were wandering through life feeling bored, confused, or without purpose.

In some cases they were very disheartened with their existence. For others it wasn’t that their life was necessarily bad, they just felt there was more to life, but they weren’t sure what it was.

As these people discovered their Big Five for Life they found a new sense of self. They connected with something they always sensed was out there, but weren’t sure what it was.

If you are a fan of The Why Cafe, and haven’t read my other books, then The Big Five for Life may be new to you. Welcome!

You will find that the same energy you enjoyed in The Why Cafe also ripples across everything associated with The Big Five for Life.

As a matter of fact, it was really the emails and letters from fans of The Why Cafe which inspired me to put together the very first course I ever did.

Many people were asking for guidance on how to live in spirit with the ideas from The Why Cafe. The course was designed to help them with that. That course is what has evolved into the Big Five for Life Discovery Course.

As a starting point to get to know the Big Five for Life, I encourage you to read the FAQ on “What is the Big Five for Life?”

Also, be ready to re-connect with The Why Cafe as you go through the discovery experience. Towards the end of the course, you’ll see the connection between your Big Five for Life, and your PFE (Purpose for Existing).
